Mountain Conquerors

Since 2010 Mountain Conquerors has provided a positive outdoor adventure team mentoring experience for urban teenage males (ages 13-16).
To equip the youth of today with the hope, positive self-esteem, positive attitude and perseverance.
Build Character
Build Communication skills
Build Team Work Skills
Build Problem Solving Skills
How to maintain a positive attitude through adversity
How to be pro-active
Teach Leave No Trace
Relationship Building
Goal Planning
Provide Hope
Mountain Conquerors began in the summer of 2010, with the ultimate goal of providing youth experiences and lessons that will last a lifetime.
The Body of Christ in Lancaster, PA Coming Together as One to Celebrate the Goodness of God!
This great task may or may not be completed in our lifetime, but nonetheless we feel privileged to hear and respond to the call of God to play our part in our generation in seeing His Kingdom come, and His will done on earth as it is in heaven – one soul, one community, or one city at a time!
We do this through:
1. Training believers for effective ministry, especially in power evangelism.
2. Conducting missions in the UK and overseas, and establishing mercy projects to help the poor, widows and orphans.
3. Helping churches to establish effective ministry and missions teams, and sometimes plant new churches in unreached areas, in partnership with the existing churches or networks that we may be invited to serve.