Come Be Empowered in Health & Social Service Networks that bring ministries and professionals together to serve the community of Lancaster
2023 Kingdom Health Conference
Vision for Christ Centered, kingdom empowered Health and Social Service Networks that bring various ministries and professionals together to serve the community of Lancaster and beyond.
Equipping and activation of attendees in areas of spiritual care for those we serve.
Teaching on how those who are functioning in the lay prayer healing movements can partner with health and human service professionals to provide whole person care.
Bob Doe MD
Founder of the Aloha Kona Urgent Care in Hawaii that activity released kingdom models of
care in a business model clinic. He currently helps to lead Light of Hope CSO in Lancaster Pa
and works with Youth With a Mission around the world.
Pete Carter MD from Eastgate Church in the United Kingdom. Leader of Heaven in Healthcare
which has been training medical professionals in supernatural care around the UK and Europe.
Pete is the senior pastor of a network of churches associated with Bethel Ministries in Redding
California and previously worked as a GP in the National Health Service.
Who should attend?
Medical Professionals
Drug and Alcohol treatment workers
Social Services Workers
Worship Leaders
Healing Prayer Ministers
Counseling and Pastoral Care Practitioners